Thursday, May 19, 2011

One foot in front of the other

It’s been far too long since I’ve blogged but I’ve been busy. I got engaged. Moved back to California. Okay, that’s about it. Regardless, I’m back and my fitness regime is once again my top priority. To prove it, I took my pup Grace for a run this morning, the first run in a long time. After two blocks I was ready for a walk break but the look of disappointment in her eyes was too much. So we trudged on. She was moving at a pace slightly faster than walking all the while chewing on a stick as we made our way through the neighborhood. I was flying—at least in my mind. Tomorrow we’re going to kick it up a notch. Fifteen minutes or bust.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Green with envy

I admit that I can get a little competitive at times. I don't think I'm uber-competitive, but there's a little bit of fight in me which I think is the case for everyone. BUT, I think I may need an intervention. I was watching the news tonight and saw a piece on kid triathletes. Yep, you heard it here first (or perhaps second). There are children who are competing in events like "IronKids." I'm talking 6-year-olds. Here's where my crazy self gets, well, a bit more crazy. I checked out some of the results and these kids are good! They can swim just as fast as me and the fastest mile I ever ran was slaughtered by a tot! I have a lot of work to do. The upside—this past week Jeopardy hosted Kid Jeopardy and I killed it!

Friday, July 2, 2010

I found the new me!

I was killing time in Duane Reade when this magazine caught my eye. Yes, I like Anna Paquin (and of course True Blood), but that's not the reason why I picked it up. She's wearing my bathing suit and I have to say, if I dropped 15—okay 20—pounds and got a tan, we could be body doubles! Seriously though, I think I'm going to take a "before" photo of myself in this same pose and use her version as inspiration for my "after" transformation. I could be that skinny. I just need to stop eating. Starting right after lunch.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Room to grow in.

It's been quite a while since my last post. Why? I'm not sure. I haven't really felt motivated to write and/or to workout. Add them together = no blog. I admit it. I'm in a bit of a slump. So much so, I did something over the weekend that I'm a little ashamed of. It was really hot in NYC, and I needed some shorts. So I bought a pair. Of shorts. With a drawstring. And a slightly elastic waistband. They feel so good as I eat my Mister Softee.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Spin Cycle

Today I took my first spin class in about four months. After pedaling what seemed like for an eternity, I stole a not-so-stealth glance at the clock and saw that only 10 minutes had passed. Ten minutes and I was already drenched in sweat, wishing I was back at my desk reading like I normally do during lunch. Needless to say, the remaining 35 minutes crept by in a very slow, painful way. But I made it through! As I was walking back to work, smile on my face, a man in a wheelchair tried to flirt with me. He may have been homeless but that's okay.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And a-round we go

I had a delightful conversation last night with someone who asked to remain anonymous.

ME: I think I'm finally starting to slim down. I think my face is a little less round then it was. (Note: I admit and acknowledge that I have a naturally round face.)

PERSON: Yeah, actually I've noticed. Your face does look slimmer.

ME: Really?! You can tell?

PERSON: Yeah, it looks normal now.

ME: So, what did it look like before?

Person: Um, [long pause] abnormal?

And my complex continues.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

More Physique Please

I am once again reinvigorated about working out and it's largely due to a new workout I've started, Physique 57. I did a few classes about a year ago and have just started it up again, partly because it's a really good workout and partly because there's a slight chance I'd run into Kelly Ripa who's a big fan (and so skinny)! Okay, she's the main reason I signed up again. Kelly is tiny and she does the classes, so logic tells me that if I do the same classes, I'll become really tiny too. Make sense, yeah? And it's actually quite addictive. I've only done two classes so far but am already looking forward to my next one.